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Quick Facts
Public Four Year High School
Grades 9-12
Accreditation: TEA, South Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools
2015 School Rating: MET STANDARDS, Distinctions in Science & Social Studies
2016 School Rating: MET STANDARDS, Distinctions in Social Studies and Postsecondary Readiness
2017 School Rating: MET STANDARDS, Distinctions in Mathematics and Top 25 Percent Student Progress
2018 School Rating: MET STANDARDS
Scheduling: Mon-Thurs A/B Block, 4 Classes/Day, Fri C Day, 8 Classes
Principal: Mr. Gerardo Hernandez
Collegiate Academy Principal: Dr. Tamika Stevenson
Assistant Principals: Mr. Rodney Whitaker
Mr. Isaiah Jay Carter
ENROLLMENT 2023-2024 |
Freshmen |
327 |
Sophomores |
244 |
Juniors |
237 |
Seniors |
209 |
Student Totals |
1,017 |
African American |
20.2% |
Hispanic |
72.8% |
White |
2.4% |
Other |
4.6% |
- The Texas Education has rated North Dallas High School as "Met Standard" in Academic Achievement, Student Progress, Closing the Achievement Gap, and College Readiness.
The students have placed in the district Math Olympiad, and regional Debate competitions.
The visual arts department received two school board resolutions honoring the art work of North Dallas students.
Students have won in the Young American Talent Competition for 2D art work.
In 1997 and 1998 students art work was chosen for the Congressional Art Competition and was displayed at the Capitol Rotunda at Washington D.C.
In 1996, students art work won in the Eddie Bernice Congressional Art Competition.
Current and former students have been chosen to participate in the British American Business Council British Summer program.
The dance program at North Dallas High School is an added attraction for the students and is a performance based program that incorporates four genres: ballet, social, cultural, and modern dance.
A North Dallas student was chosen to shadow Mayor Laura Miller for a day.
For the 2012-2013 school years students have averaged approximately 2.3 million dollars in scholarships.
Education is Freedom and the TWU Go Center have formed a partnership with North Dallas High School students to promote higher education.