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Attendance for Credit 2023-2024
Principal’s Plan for Restoring Credit – North Dallas High School
2023 - 2024
According to Texas State law, each student must be in attendance 90 percent of the days the class is offered. The implementation of the Attendance for Credit Initiative is to ensure that all students are in attendance 90 percent of the time a class is offered to certify successful accrual of credit or final grade.
Students who are passing their classes, but have excessive absences, will have the opportunity to restore credit or final grade for their classes by completing a principal’s plan.
The Principal’s Plan to Restore Credit will be implemented for students whose attendance drops below 90 percent but is at least 75 percent of the days the class is offered. The student must earn a passing grade and have completed all classwork and homework associated with excessive absences.
Warning letters – When the student reaches absences equal to five percent of the days any class is offered, a warning letter is generated and will be available via the Dallas ISD website under Parent/Student Services. The campus may also contact the parents to make them aware that a warning letter has been generated.
Violation letters - When the student reaches absences equal to ten percent of the days any class is offered, a violation letter is generated and will be available via the Dallas ISD website under Parent/Student Services. However, the student may be eligible to participate in the principal’s plan.
Required Seat Time To Restore Final Credit – High School Block Schedule
1st Semester (86 instructional days) |
2nd Semester (95 instructional days) |
Restoration Consists Of # hours (per content area) |
# of Absences |
5 to 6 Days |
2 hours of content-specific written work /special projects* |
7 to 8 Days |
2.5 hours of content-specific written work /special projects* |
9 to 10 Days |
3 hours of content-specific written work /special projects* |
11 or more absences (below 75% attendance) |
Approved Petition REQUIRED 3.5 hours of content-specific written work /special projects* |
*Written content-specific work/ special projects must coincide with learning objectives and student expectations as written in the course curriculum.
Opportunities to Restore Credit (The committee will detail the date and time when specific opportunities are available before school, after school and/or on Saturdays)
Restauración de horas escolar para obtener crédito final (Horario de Bloque)
Semestre: Otoño |
Semestre: Primavera |
Tiempo académico por contenido o curso |
Numero de ausencias |
5-6 |
5-7 |
Completar 2 horas de trabajo escrito específico por curso O proyecto especial |
7-8 |
8-9 |
Completar 2.5 horas de trabajo escrito específico por curso / proyecto especial |
9-10 |
10-11 |
Completar 3 horas de trabajo escrito específico de asignatura curso / proyectos especial |
11 o más ausencias |
12 o más ausencias |
Petición Aprobada 3.5 horas de trabajo escrito específico de asignatura curso O proyecto especial |
Oportunidades para restaurar crédito final
(El plantel de asistencia les informará sobre los detalles de las oportunidades disponibles antes y después de clases o los sábados.)